Oculoplasty, Orbit and Lacrimal Surgery

Oculoplastic Surgery, also known as Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive, Oculofacial or Eye Plastic Surgery deals primarily with abnormalities of the eyelids and their surrounding tissues, including their position and contour, to maintain, restore or improve function and appearance. This includes eyelid cysts and tumours, malpositions such as drooping eyelids (ptosis), staring eyes in thyroid eye disease, watering eyes and artificial (prosthetic) eyes etc.

Dr A K Grover is an Oculoplastic Surgeon of International repute. He obtained his training in both Ophthalmology and Plastic Surgery of Eye in Delhi. Vision Eye Centre is the preferred choice of many doctors for referrals relating to Oculoplasty & Aesthetics procedure. The centre receives patients not only from India, but also from a number of other countries. The specialty of Oculoplastics is an art that combines the meticulous detailed microsurgical techniques of ophthalmology with the aesthetic understanding of plastic surgery. Some of the Oculoplasty Procedures done at Vision Eye Centre are given below:

  • Eyelid disorders – Ptosis , Entropion, Ectropion :
  • Eyelid Reconstruction
  • Eyelid Trauma care
  • Eyelid Cancers
    • Basal Cell Carcinoma
    • Squamous Cell Carcinoma
    • Malignant Melanoma
    • Sebaceous Cell Carcinoma
  • Orbital Tumours
  • Orbital Fractures
  • Lacrimal Disorders
    • Nasulacrimal Duct Obstruction
    • Congenital Nasulacrimal Duct (NLD)
    • Acquired Nasulacrimal Duct Obstruction & Common Canalicular Obstruction.
    • Lacrimal Tumours
    • Canaliculitis

For more information about Oculoplasty, Orbit and Lacrimal Surgery, please call at

(+91)-9711004422 or click here for free advice.

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