Dry Eyes In Winter: Follow These Expert Recommended Tips To Prevent This Condition

Dry Eyes In Winter: Follow These Expert Recommended Tips To Prevent This Condition
Dry Eyes In Winter: Follow These Expert Recommended Tips To Prevent This Condition

Dec 4, 2020

Dry eye can cause discomfort. There are several reason behind dry eyes. It is also a common condition during the winter season. Read here to know from the expert what leads to dry eye and some prevention steps.

Dry Eyes In Winter: Follow These Expert Recommended Tips To Prevent This Condition

Dry eye is a condition in which your eyes are not able to produce enough tears and fails to provide adequate lubrication to the eyes. This condition can cause symptoms like itching, redness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, gritty sensation and discomfort in completing certain tasks. Just like your skin and other body parts, the winter season affects your eyes too. It is not a surprise that your eyes are drier during the winter season. There are several reasons behind it. Dry eyes also become quite common with the drop in temperature. We spoke to Dr. Tushar Grover, Medical Director at Vision Eye Centre, New Delhi to understand what exactly leads to an increase in the incidents of dry eye cases and how to prevent this condition.

Dry eyes in winter: Know causes and prevention

Dr. Grover explains, "Although there are certain underlying systemic conditions such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren's syndrome or vitamin A deficiency that can lead to dry eyes in a small subset of individuals, some of the most common factors which cause dryness in otherwise healthy eyes include cold temperature, low humidity and windy weather."

Also read: Exercise Your Eyes! Reduce Eye Strain With These Expert Recommended Eye Exercises

There are several ways by which one can prevent and manage dry eyes in winters-

1. One should keep eyes constantly moisturised using eye drops, artificial tears or eye ointment. You should check with your doctor once to choose the best option for you.


Use eye drops can help prevent dry eyes during the winter season
Photo Credit: iStock

2. Shield your eyes using UV-protected wraparound glasses or a visor hat whenever you are outdoors.

3. Keep the indoor room temperature reasonably warm and not excessively hot when using heating systems such as heaters and blowers. Also, ensure that your face doesn't directly get in the way of the heat from the appliance.

4. Use a humidifier indoors to retain the moisture in the room. It will also help you prevent dry skin.

5. Apply warm compresses in case of extreme discomfort or irritation in the eye because of dryness. Warm compresses also help open up the clogged Meibomian glands responsible for secreting oil or meibum which prevents evaporative dry eye.

6. Don't ignore nutritional requirements such as vitamin A and omega-3 fatty acids and consume food items that are rich in those nutrients.


Vitamin A is responsible for ensuring healthy eyesight
Photo Credit: iStock

7. Avoid continuous use of screen-based gadgets. At the same time, try to blink more frequently.

8. Keep your body hydrated all the time by regularly taking water and other fluids. A hydrated body would also keep eyes moisturized enough.




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